Picture of A Door to Emptiness, The Crucial Teaching for Touching the Diamond World

A Door to Emptiness, The Crucial Teaching for Touching the Diamond World

Translated by Adam Andrade with Geshe Michael Roach

The promise of these ancient books, for more than two thousand years, is that there exists—in tandem with the world we know—an invisible higher world, going on around us all the time. We can call it the “Diamond World,” but a simpler (and easily misunderstood) name is simply “Emptiness.”

The idea is that—if we can make contact with this higher world, if we can touch it directly—then that touching sets into motion unstoppable wonderful changes in our being. The touching sets off a transformation in the flesh of our very body itself, sort of a wonderful cancer, which inexorably spreads through our entire being and changes it into living diamond: eternal and infinite beauty and wisdom. We could call it paradise—a paradise available to every living being in the entire universe, where we live together into all future time, in perfect harmony and happiness.



  • admin

    3/1/2023 12:52 PM
    Nice book

    Thank you very much for your books! If possible, translate this book into Russian, please.

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    A Door to Emptiness, The Crucial Teaching for Touching the Diamond World
  • Guest

    3/15/2023 10:46 AM
    Nice Book

    Vendredi élabore un plan audacieux pour devenir la première femme en mille ans à pénétrer dans cette société secrète de sagesse et de yoga. Comment cela pourrait-il jamais se réaliser? Réussira-t-elle?

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    A Door to Emptiness, The Crucial Teaching for Touching the Diamond World
  • Guest

    3/16/2023 11:22 AM
    Very nice to read

    These books are mostly recommend to go through for new book readers.

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    A Door to Emptiness, The Crucial Teaching for Touching the Diamond World
  • Jnanavi

    3/31/2023 1:32 PM
    Its a good book to read

    Thanks for the book, Can we get this book in Italian Language ?

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    Diamond Cutter Press
    Yes, Shortly we are adding in multiple languges.
    A Door to Emptiness, The Crucial Teaching for Touching the Diamond World
  • Jnanavi

    4/5/2023 10:56 AM


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    A Door to Emptiness, The Crucial Teaching for Touching the Diamond World
  • Jnanavi Test

    4/5/2023 11:22 AM


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    A Door to Emptiness, The Crucial Teaching for Touching the Diamond World

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