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  • How Yoga Works

    The Yoga Sutra is the great motherbook of all the yoga works ever written; it was composed by the Indian master Patanjali some 2,000 years ago. The Sanskrit text is written in 210 briefs, cryptic verses whose meaning has long ago sunk into darkness; the many, confusing modern attempts to explain them bear little resemblance to each other, which is just a sign of how difficult this priceless little book can be. more
  • The Art of Sharing

    Every system of personal development in the world recommends giving as an important strategy for happiness, both personal and global.

    Over two thousand years ago, the Buddha challenged his disciples with the question: “Is there any difference, though, between giving and sharing?”  That is the question answered by this ancient teaching, which we have entitled The Art of Sharing. more
  • Poems of the Diamond Way

    Composed by The First Panchen Lama (1567-1662) and translated by Geshe Michael Roach.

    This selection of exquisite poetry by Lobsang Chukyi Gyeltsen, come his biography as it appears in the classic work on the lives of the masters of the Lam Rim lineage, written by Yongdzin Yeshe Gyeltsen, tutor to His Holiness the Eighth Dalai Lama. more

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